Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Arrows and Bananas

It is said that ‘truth flies like an arrow’. 

Now, the more perceptive amongst you will have spotted that this opening sentence is just a cheap excuse for the next one, which goes “But fruit flies like a banana.” (The old gags are still the best!)

So, on the subject of fruit flies, we have often thought (when at a bit of a loose end) that an interesting examination question for A-Level English Language might go along the following lines:

     “Truth flies like an arrow.

      But fruit flies like a banana.


That’s not an entirely frivolous idea. Just think of the scope for analysing the role of the pun in English literature, and also the problems created by the ambiguity of words that can have a variety of meanings or even can serve as different parts of speech, according to circumstances.

I mean, why else would lawyers use words like ‘aforesaid’, ‘hereinafter’ and ‘hithertofore’? Well, of course, they use them because they are words that can mean only one thing. (If only we knew what it was!)

And another thing .......

Zzzzzzzzzz .......

OK, wake up at the back there.

More seriously, while we are being a bit philosophical about truth, what actually is truth? Is it my truth or your truth? Or is it neither of those? Perhaps that is something we may never know.

But what we probably can know is what the majority of people believe - not quite the same thing as truth but perhaps almost as important. And that is where opinion polls come in.
Well, that is one reason for opinion polls. Another is that they can provide us with a bit if a laugh!

So, if you are still with us, why don’t you let us have your comments on what kind of poll would you like to see us run here on WebWatch2000?

We have had a few thoughts on the subject. For example:

1. What is the meaning of life? (Let’s start with the easy questions!)

2. Are online polls a waste of time? (No bias here!)

3. Why did Prime Minister Thatcher introduce a tax on polls?

Let us know what you think!

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